The Snap-Shackle's Ring

Over 1000% funded & SailFlix Partnership!

Ahoy there!

I'm super happy to report that we've hit our Kickstarter goal on our first day! We're beyond excited to get the Snap-Shackle's Ring out to all of our backers. Welcome aboard all of you!




SailFlix Partnership

We are pleased to announce a new partnership between Oceanus Brass and SailFlix. SailFlix is TheSailingChannel’s new Video Subscription Service where you get to watch dozens of sailing documentaries and how-to sail videos via streaming, digital download, and DVD.




We're always thinking of different ways to provide our backers with a unique experience every Snap-Shackle's Ring backer will get a 33% discount for their first 3 months on SailFlix! 

Stretch Goals

We would love to exceed our goal by as much as possible. At 15K,  we will start manufacturing the rings before the campaign ends, which will move the shipping date up by up to four weeks! Please keep sharing on social media and help us SPREAD THE WORD


With gratitude,  

The Oceanus Brass Team


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